Bigfoot Beverage strike sparks police response amid reports of harassment and vandalism. And THIS is why I’ve never been a fan of unions. No matter how righteous the cause, hittin’ company vehicles as they drive in or out of the company’s property is not the way to endear your cause to the public or make points in your labor negotiations. I haven’t been a fan of union strikes since I served on riot control duty in Okinawa during the strike against the Army Depot I worked at back in the early ‘70s. A Ryukyun security guard was killed when a Molotov Cocktail thrown by one of the strikers landed on his head, and I saw more than one guy in our formation get his hands sliced open when he tried to grab at a bamboo pole thrust between our riot shields. The strikers would insert double-edged razor blades into the tips, so if someone were to grab at them, it would result in deep cuts to their hands. - Commonsense Commentary
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