New Florida law ends squatters’ rights, NY state assembly attempts similar measures. As glad as I am to see more states take the commonsense position that it’s illegal to take over property that the squatters don’t own, doin’ it by drips and drabs, one state at a time, will take forever. Because it’s happenin’ all over, it’s a FEDERAL issue that needs a FEDERAL solution. I’ve written to both Oregon senators and our district’s representative and told ’em that. Of course, because they’re all Democrats, the ideas I expressed won’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell, and I’m sure my email went immediately into either the Trash or Junk folder. If enough of you write similar emails or letters to YOUR federal elected official (feel free to borrow my content and verbiage – see OO 4 Mar 24), we might get a law in place that’ll end the scourge of squatters.