Israeli American soldier believed captured by Hamas is now presumed dead. Hey Biden! You foot-draggin’ sonofabitch! Because of your inactions and failure to do everything you possibly could’ve to bring home the 10 American hostages taken by the ragheads on October 7th, the bloodthirsty bastards’ve killed another one. Let’s review: 1. You retreated from Afghanistan, gettin’ 13 American service members killed and givin’ our enemy $7.2 billion worth of equipment our tax dollars bought and paid for. 2. You used your position in this country’s leadership to milk millions of dollars from foreign governments, enrichin’ yourself and other members of your family gang. 3. You caused the worst inflation this county’s seen in over 40 years by squanderin’ trillions of dollars we didn’t have and the coup de grâce: 4. You gave a blanket pardon to your junkie kid after you told the American people NUMEROUS TIMES you wouldn’t. Now that the smoke’s cleared after your disastrous four years, all we see as you wait to walk out the door is a reminder of what a true Democrat is – a worthless lyin’ crook.