Re: Here we go again. A bum in Springfield was arrested for trying to steal a kid’s bike off her back porch. When confronted, he attacked the homeowners with a BBQ spatula. It should go without saying, but I’ll repeat it – if the cities, counties, states, and federal government would pool all their help-the-bums & bumettes money, they could set up a Transition Center in each state, and there wouldn’t be any bums living under bridges, or along fence lines to steal little kids bikes, rifle through your recycle bin or yell at people when they don’t give them enough money. If they were all housed in one location staffed with vocational and health services, this country could train thousands of people to bring back manufacturing to this country and take it away from the Chinese. If a Democrat named Clinton hadn’t’ve kicked the door open to send American jobs over there, our economy would be miles ahead of where it’s at today. Don’t believe me? I dare you to walk around your house and find ANYTHING you’ve bought in the last 20 or 30 years, that wasn’t made in China. That situation exists because we’ve lost 3.7 million jobs and 60,000 manufacturing sites to China.


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