Re: In case you haven’t figured it out for yourself, woke progressive Democrats’d bitch if they were hung with a new rope. Out of the original nine jurists that decided Roe v. Wade in 1973, only three were nominated by Democrats. A Republican put forward the other six. Considering that the current perception says the party affiliation of the president that put them on the court will indicate how they will decide a case, the decision was backasswards. Look at the table below. A Republican president appointed five out of the seven that voted in favor. Based strictly on the party affiliation of the appointing president, Roe v. Wade never should’ve happened in the first place. They’re all pissed at conservatives now, but they were okay when it went their way back in ‘73. Now that a conservative court voted the way they should’ve 49 years ago, the wokesters are ready to burn the country down.

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