Rep. Bishop reveals ‘sinister’ feature in the omnibus bill on family planning, threats to biodiversity. Where to start? An American’s right to vote is sacred and enshrined in the United States Constitution. If I said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times – when it comes to voting, you need to do your homework on the candidates and the issues in ANY election. Contents of the $1.7 trillion monstrosity of a bill to keep the doors of federal government buildings open for another year is the result of sending deranged Democrats to Washington. Buried in the 4,000-plus pages is $575 million of your tax dollars to provide abortion services in areas where endangered species reside so that fewer humans will intrude on their habitat. Somebody elected the idiot, who hired another idiot staffer to bury that drivel so deep in the 4,100 pages that they hoped it would never see the light of day before it was voted on. Another monument to Pompous Pelosi’s infamous motto – “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” - Commonsense Commentary
Common sense puts the money in your wallet. Use your vote to keep it there.