Colorado Home Depot customer attacked by dog, owner flees store. I’m fit to be tied over this issue! LEAVE YOUR FOUR-LEGGED KID IN THE CAR, OR BETTER YET, LEAVE ‘EM AT HOME! I’m sick and tired of scofflaw dog lovers using the ADA as an excuse for anybody saying that their rat-dog Chihuahua is a service animal covered by the ADA. Congress needs to amend the ADA, requiring anyone to produce a bonafide certificate proving the animal’s status to enter any business with the owner. They also need to figure out how to make such a certificate charlatan-proof. If they don’t, any fly-by-night asshole that knows how to use a computer will offer fake certificates for $9.99, just like you can be ordained to perform marriages or get a prescription to smoke pot online. - Commonsense Commentary
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