18% of millennials, 12% of Gen Z believe they will never own a home. Let’s analyze this. Out of the 12% and 18% groups mentioned, we have to remove the percentage with no initiative to work. Next, we have to look at the career aspirations of the resultants. If some WP high school counselor convinced them that going into debt for $100,000 to $200,000 to get a degree in Behavior Analysis of South American Tree Frogs was the only way to make a living, we have problem #1. Problem #2 resides in the fact that (according to published reports) the vast majority of these Gen Zers believe it’s possible to start at the top – that they’ll be able to walk out of the classroom, degree in hand, and go directly to their corner office as a vice president on the 10th floor. Problem #3 starts when they discover that even if they can find one of those jobs, it will only exist in one of the metropolitan areas where the housing market’s on fire. And therein lies problem #4. When high school guidance counselors advise these young minds, it should be mandatory that they provide handouts and instruction on the economic realities of life in general. In other words, how to budget for day-to-day occurrences and how those obligatory life expenses relate to salary expectations and distribution.

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