Israel arrests dozens of Hamas terrorists sheltering in hospital. To all the Hamas lovers: A picture (or video, in this case) is worth a thousand words. The pieces of shit WERE using hospitals to hide out in! But wait – it gets better. The Hamas butchers are now saying that Biden’s the enemy and’re calling for attacks against Americans. I suppose now you’re gonna tell me that more than a few of the ragheaded bastards already slipped in through our cheesecloth southern border thanks to Biden and his Democrats? When the next 9/11 happens – more than likely, it’s a matter of when not if at this point – I anticipate a revolution against Biden and his Democrats like this country’s never seen. Americans will be demanding to see the heads of Biden and Mayorkas on pikes. And that’s only the start. The Democrats have used the current administration to push their progressive agenda at a record pace to the detriment of common sense and national security. Need I remind you: 100,000 dead every year from the cartel’s fentanyl poisoning, CRT in our schools and DOD, convincing our kids that they were born in the wrong body, and locking up their parents when they complained about it, allowing 8 million wetbacks to invade this country and an inflation rate that ballooned to 9% and is still at 3.1% (a far cry from 1.4% in December of 2020). Not to be left out is the general perception that violent crime is on the increase. While viewed from the perspective of the national aggregate, it’s decreased, but you couldn’t convince people who live in New Orleans. Theirs has increased over 40%. Bottom line? Commonsensers in this country haven’t had any warm and fuzzies since January of 2021. - Commonsense Commentary
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