States warn of ‘Band-Aids and duct tape’ for road maintenance. Crazy Kotek and her Delusional Democrats can point fingers anywhere they want, but the ODOT budget problems didn’t happen in a vacuum. I don’t care what they say. In this writer’s opinion, the MAJOR reason for those problems is the Democrats’ incessant caterwauling about EVs replacing fossil fuel-powered vehicles. Every state has historically relied on a portion of its fuel tax to supplement that state’s DOT budget. Well, guess what? As less fuel is being sold because more lemmings are following the EV pied piper, less money is goin’ into the ODOT coffers. The other problem is plain ol’ budgetary priorities. They need to start cuttin’ the pie differently. Oregon has so much revenue that it’s triggered the constitutional rule, and Oregon taxpayers are in line to receive their portion of a $5.6 billion kicker. What’s wrong with this picture? Salem has so much money that it can give back $5.6 billion to the taxpayers, but it can’t give ODOT the dollars it needs to deal with snow drifts several feet high in counties prone to high amounts of the stuff or keep the roadways through the mountain passes clear. Give me a break. Somethin’ stinks to high heaven in Salem, and it’s the Dumbass Democrats. - Commonsense Commentary
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