GOP Rep warns US Navy plan to relocate fuel from Hawaii could jeopardize operations in the Indo-Pacific. Wadda you mean they wanna pull their fuel storage outta Hawaii because of a leak? Here’s an idea: Fix the damned leak! Maybe they’re takin’ a cue from the Idiot in Chief – who’s drawn down the Strategic Petroleum Reserves to their lowest point in history just to make gas cheaper and win an election. For Christ’s sake! If the balloon goes up, we’ve got to be able to control our fuel supply for everything. If we don’t, we might as well hand our enemy the keys to America. I’ll bet China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are laughin’ their ass off at the Navy’s idea. For those that need help analyzin’ this, worldwide regime change happens all the time, and it’s possible for any nation we’re friends with today to turn communist tomorrow. Just look in the mirror. The Democrats elected Biden last time around, so don’t tell me it’s not a possibility. - Commonsense Commentary
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