Washington Post editorial board says Biden should ignore liberal ‘wish lists,’ secure border to beat Trump. Okay, here’s the deal. Biden’s legacy will be the same as all the fur farmers who thought importin’ Nutria to harvest their pelts was a surefire money maker in the ’20s through the ‘40s. When it didn’t work out at the national level, they ended up turnin’ ’em loose. What could go wrong? You don’t think an invasive species that carries several parasites capable of infecting humans and makes extensive burrows into riverbanks to live in would be a problem? Ask anybody that lives in the area of levees to control flooding of the Mississippi River. Over the years, an army of the critters have made these levees their home, and in doing so, have caused them to fail during the same flooding conditions they were designed to prevent. Biden’s wetbacks are gonna do the same thing to our safety and economy. Before he’s voted out of office, he’ll’ve been responsible for lettin’ in over 13 million illegal aliens. If you don’t think THAT’S a problem, you’ve got your head in the sand.
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