Empty home attracts unwanted guests to Springfield neighborhood. This is what today’s society has devolved into. Nobody gives a shit about property rights anymore.  I blame all the Democrats in power. If they weren’t givin’ away all of our tax money, and people had to WORK for everything, I don’t think we’d have these problems. As far as I’m concerned, you can blame Sennility-ridden Biden, his sidekick Comrade Kamala, and all the other Democrats in office somewhere for creating the “what’s yours is mine” mindset. It’s pretty bad when part of moving out and puttin’ your house up for sale is layin’ out the cost of ’round-the-clock security, so bums and punk kids won’t trash the place to the point you can’t sell it until you dump thousands of dollars into it. Let me use this opportunity to remind everybody that I hate Democrats more than I hate my ex-wife – if that’s even possible.

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