Non-profit to serve 50 fewer Oregon families as diapers manufactured in China hit by tariffs. HELLOO! Why’s everybody gettin’ the ass over this tariff thing? If US companies hadn’t shipped their manufacturin’ centers overseas years ago, we wouldn’t be havin’ this conversation. There’s more to “Made in the USA” than the almighty dollar. If nothin’ else, you need to look at it like this: If all the stuff we buy from China and other offshore manufacturing centers were made here, we wouldn’t have the sprawling canvas condo developements and their associated piles of squalor to deal with, ’cause the vast majority of those people would have jobs workin’ for somebody somewhere. Like it or not, we’ve got a long line of politicians to thank (Democrats AND Republicans) for turnin’ China into the manufacturin’ juggernaut it is today. - Commonsense Commentary
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