Re: Here’s my question, and I’m sure the same one’s on the mind of ANY commonsenser out there: If the FBI, CIA, and NSA can conduct warrantless spying on millions of citizens in the name of protecting Americans, how in the hell did they miss this nut job posting on Facebook that he shot his grandmother and was going to shoot up an elementary school? In the words of our pathetic excuse for a president: “come on man.” Do you honestly mean to tell me that this country’s spy agencies have the authority to do what it takes to gather evidence and arrest a terrorist who’s putting together a plan to kill an ex-president, but their hands are tied when it comes to a sick psycho set on murdering a bunch of grade schoolers? Truth be known, I’m sure if they’ve got surveillance programs sophisticated enough to monitor a bad guy looking to buy weapons of war on the Dark Web, they’d have the knowhow to push a button, and make all Facebook private postings readable. In the case of almost all of these bloodbaths we’ve read about in the last few years, after the fact it’s been discovered the perpetrator’s posted his intentions on some social media platform. THAT’S how they’re going to stop these lunatics – by AI monitoring programs that find, and alert on postings that say some guy’s headed to a school to kill a bunch of people. Short of that, at a MINIMUM, they need to put SROs back on all the campuses – I don’t care WHAT the woke progressives say. If they continue to dig in and push back on putting cops back on school grounds, it’ll be all those woke progressive liberals with school kids’ blood on THEIR hands.
NATIONAL NOTES 26 MAY 2022 Read More »