Texas to deploy inflatable border along Rio Grande River in Eagle Pass. While I’ve got to give Governor Abbott an A for effort on this one, I also have to ask – what was he smokin’? Whose idea was this anyway? Unless those inflatable spheres are made from Kevlar, with a steel mesh net underneath them that extends down to the riverbed, it won’t take the wetbacks long to figure out how to overcome the feature. All they need is some kind of shiv to puncture the balls, swim over them, or dive underneath the floating line in the sand. They’ll never stop the illegal aliens until they finish building an impenetrable, Jerusalem-style wall from Brownsville to San Diego. You know – the one #45 started, but Biden stopped, leaving $350 million worth of materials YOUR tax dollars bought, stockpiled, and rusting away. And BTW, guarding those unused materials costs $3 million a day. NOW are you starting to see why I call Biden the Idiot in Chief? In 2024 this country needs to run ALL the Democrat leadership outta town, so we can return to what our forefathers intended instead of being led by a bunch of Democridiots that’re just steaming, limp-wristed, bum and wetback-loving, piles of shit.

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