A gunman opened fire in a barbershop in Squad member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district in New York City on Friday sending workers and customers spilling out onto the street for cover. And the people that just sent her back to Washington AGAIN are probably wonderin’ why this happened. They need to look in a mirror. THEY’RE the ones that keep electin’ the halfwit to represent New York’s 14th Congressional District. Anybody with an ounce and a half of common sense can tell ‘em why they’re drownin’ in a crimewave. All they have to do is look at the crime rate in Chicago and peel back the top layer to see that it’s historically been run by Democrats with their infamously loose grip on a rampant crime problem. Trust me: If you pull down the fence protectin’ the sheep, the coyotes are gonna get in. This is what happens when you convince people to defund the police and then follow through.

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