Denver To Defund Police, Fire Dept In Order To Fund Services And Housing For Illegal Newcomers. UNF⚡⭐⚡IN’ BELIEVABLE!!! When did illegal aliens start runnin’ city hall in Denver? But it’s like I’ve been sayin’ about other assbackwards city, county, and state governments that take such ludicrous actions – it’s karma. The people that’re gonna suffer are the same ones who elected the WP assholes to run the city they live in. They shoulda done a little research before they voted for an idiot that would shutter a police station and give your tax dollars to an invasion of wetbacks. If you’re a citizen of Denver that put one of these assholes in office, keep that in mind when you’re screamin’ for help with a gun to your head, and there’s not a cop to be found. - Commonsense Commentary
Common sense puts the money in your wallet. Use your vote to keep it there.