‘It’ll upend the community’: PA town roiled by talk of migrant housing in Civil War-era orphanage building. Alright, this shit’s gone far enough. It’s bad enough that these Democridioits are kickin’ veterans who fought for this country out of the place they live to make room for wetbacks. Now they’re convertin’ a building with historical significance into a migrant shelter? ENOUGH’S ENOUGH! All of ’em are illegal aliens. It’s in their name for Christ’s sake – ILLEGAL. Why don’t they take a page from the bum management playbook and put all the illegals in tents? They won’t build Transition Centers to get rid of the bums and THEIR squalor, so taxpayers are used to it. What’s a few more trash piles and canvas condos litterin’ the landscape gonna hurt? There might be an added benefit. If they’d put all 17 million of ’em in tents, maybe their bubble would burst, and we’d see a mass migration OUT of the country.

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