Oklahoma transgender student charged with assaulting female high school classmates in the bathroom. Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a law in May requiring students to use facilities that matched the sex on their birth certificates. Alright – this transie shit’s gone far enough! Now a wannabe girl has beat up real girls when he didn’t like how the conversation was going – IN THE SCHOOLS FEMALE RESTROOM, WHERE STATE LAW PROHIBITS WANNABE GIRLS FROM BEING, NO LESS! I guess the Governor of Oklahoma will have to increase the budget for every school in the state and hire police to stand guard at the entrance to all girls’ restrooms. When YOUR daughter’s beaten up or raped by a wannabe girl in her school’s female restroom, you can blame the woke progressives who started this shit and WP teachers who, instead of teaching the three Rs, were spending time convincing little boys that they were really little girls and vice versa.

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