This should be an easy one, but as has been pointed out on these pages before, even commonsense issues aren’t easy when the greenies get involved. And it doesn’t matter what country’s involved. When it comes to earthfirsters, they’d sooner go back to living in caves and using campfires and candles before they made rational decisions about their power source and its impact on an entire nation. Because Russia’s war on Ukraine has resulted in their being sanctioned by most EU nations, Putin’s payback has been to slash the amount of natural gas he’s been selling them. Coal in Europe only accounts for 15% of its energy production. Oil is on the decline and can’t be counted on to replace the dwindling supply of Russian gas for heating and making electricity. They do, however, have three nuclear power plants that the greenies were scheduled to close later this year. Folks, it’s not rocket science. German winters are cold. During my last tour, it would start snowing before Thanksgiving and the ground’d be white until March or April. Lots of days would hit 10 below zero, and the coldest I saw fell to 22 below. Faced with that temperate inevitability, the treehuggers hadn’t considered the “what if” of Russia cutting off their supply of natural gas. All they thought about was if it’s nuclear it must be bad. Remind you of anything? No? You don’t say! What about our Idiot in Chief and his greenie Democrats shutting down our homegrown oil drilling, and selling off our strategic oil reserves on top of that? Being that dumb CAN’T come naturally – they either had to go to idiot school to learn it or practice a lot.

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