Gavin Newsom grilled over hefty price tag to help ‘Trump-proof’ California: ‘Total waste.’ California lawmakers held emergency session amid push to use millions to ‘Trump-proof’ state. “GRILLED?” What the hell? California Democrats elected the sonofabitch, and 75% of the legislative body in Sacramento is Democrats, so it stands to reason the majority of the state WANTS a Democridiot runnin’ things. Given all that, why in the hell are you pushin’ back? Your state’s ALREADY $1.6 trillion (that’s trillion, with a “T”) in debt. What’s $25 million more? You can always milk it outta the taxpayers who’re too dumb to leave the hippie, bum, and wetback infested state. And, while we’re at it, the state’s $20 billion in debt to the federal government over unemployment loans. Do you not think #45/47’s gonna want that back and hold your feet to the fire to get it? - Commonsense Commentary
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