Re: This reminds me of my days as a service manager in heavy equipment dealerships. Any time a piece of heavy equipment had to be repossessed, we had to: 1. Find out where the equipment was located. 2. Arrange for a tractor/lowboy combination to go to the machine’s location. 3. Assign a field mechanic to meet the lowboy driver at the machine – almost always after dark – so he could do what he had to get the machine started and loaded on the trailer. It was the number three where I generally encountered difficulty. Most of the guys that were loaded into service trucks, had several years under their belts as field mechanics, and most had been involved in a repossession retrieval at least once. There was usually more than one that had had a gun pulled on him by a pissed-off owner or employee who knew the repo was going down and was armed and sleeping in the cab. For perspective, one has to look at the factors that distinguish a repo’d $60,000 hot rod and a repo’d $250,000 excavator. The hot rod guy is pissed because he’s losing his status symbol and chick magnet. On the other hand, the excavator guy is losing the machine that he earns a living with and uses to put food on his table.

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