Overwhelmed Texas city declares state of emergency as over 11K migrants — close to half its population — surge across border. Here’s an idea: Hire & train at least 20,000 ICE agents, buy them vehicles, set up a bounty for live capture of wetbacks, and get ’em the hell out of here. Regardless of the lies Democrats are spreading, the huge numbers of illegal aliens coming across Biden’s open border are destroyin’ this country. All the gains in the minimum wage over the last few years are fixin’ to evaporate as Biden’s wetbacks will work for next to nothin’. And that’s not the only problem. FAIR estimates that the 16.8 million illegals in this country cost taxpayers $150.6 billion a year. ICE’s FY23 budget is $8 billion. Compared to what you and I are throwing away on wetbacks, that’s a bargain.

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