Top Republicans launch probe into Leonardo DiCaprio-funded blue state lawsuits against Big Oil. If you’ve never figured out what was driving the train in earthfirster treehuggin’ California, the linked story’s for you. It seems all we hear about is mega movie stars using their arrogant big bucks to try and force their views on others, using their money-laden influence to shove their climate change goals down everybody’s throat. It doesn’t matter to them that it’ll cost you, me, and the general public money we don’t have to pay more for products because the manufacturers and suppliers are spending millions to fend off their vanity project lawsuits. That doesn’t matter to them. They’ve got more money than brains, as they’re jetting off or sailing their yacht to some exotic destination while the rest of us are shoveling snow and putting on chains to get to work in the morning. - Commonsense Commentary
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