Teen flees scene after crashing car, leaves injured family members in the wreck. Okay – I’ve been working on an idea to post on the subject and’ve been waiting for a news item to appear that hammers down the point. Today, that story appeared. IMPETUOUSNESS: the trait of acting or doing something quickly and without thought or care. YOUTH: the period between childhood and adult age. The impetuousness of youth is epitomized by the 19-year-old highlighted in the linked article: The DUI teenager crashed into a parked car, bailed out, and ran, leaving behind members of his family that were also in his car and injured because of the wreck that he caused. While EVERYBODY is guilty of doing dumb things at some point during their lives, most of these events occur in the adolescent or pre-adolescent years. 90% of the reason these things happen is the failure of one or both parents to provide training in commonsense life lessons to the developing child. I’ll chalk up 5% due to curiosity-killed-the-cat syndrome in all kids. The other 5% is due to failures in our public education system – God forbid teachers would touch on important stuff like the meaning of conscientiousness along with CRT, transie conversion, and how to correctly display the rainbow flag.

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