FBI’s ‘flawed’ crime data highlighted by Chicago’s 118 ‘missing murders.’ Reliance on the FBI’s new crime reporting format is why Comrade Kamala can lie and say crime is goin’ down when it’s really goin’ up. How is that possible, you say? Remember during the pandemic, when deaths attributed to the Chinese virus were being skewed because of two or more existing conditions at the time of demise? A guy gets in a wreck, goes through the windshield, and dies at the scene. During the autopsy, they discovered he had COVID. His death was reported as a COVID death, even though what REALLY killed him was going through his car’s windshield at 70 MPH. This is the same deal. All they’ve done is change the definitions, and voilà, crime goes down. Example: 20 people die from acts of violence, but because plea deals result in 10 of them being logged as manslaughter instead of murder, crime goes down by 50%, and the airheaded VP can lie about it. Folks, dead is dead. All the FBI is doin’ is puttin’ lipstick on a pig. At the end of the day, it’s still a pig.


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