Florida video shows driver swinging machete during ‘road rage incident.’ A name like Luis Ruiz-Herrera + machete should be all you need to know about how Biden and his Democrats are destroying this country. Hell, roughly 6 million wetbacks have entered the U.S. on Biden’s watch. Have any of you SEEN the results of a machete fight? When I was in Honduras, one of my people accompanied a local, national driver to the hospital emergency room in a Dustoff medivac after his tractor and lowboy that was hauling one of our dozers lost its brakes, and he went over the edge in the mountains west of Santa Rosa. While there, he saw two guys who were both packin’ machetes when they got into a fight. As described to me, it was as gruesome and bloody as you could ever imagine. In all my travels while I was down there when you saw guys walkin’ alongside the road, they were carryin’ a machete – it was ubiquitous. That’s the lifestyle these illegal aliens are bringing to this country.

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