AI and job losses: How worried should we be? Don’t get me started. Here’s how this’s gonna go: AI’s gonna displace a lot of the technology-based jobs held by people who’re still payin’ for the college education that got ’em the position to start with, and the 15 million illegal aliens in the United States are gonna pick up what’s left, ’cause they’ll work for a dime on the dollar. What’s left after that happens? Technical training can fill one of the jobs elitist WP Democrats consider undesirable – carpenter, electrician, plumber, equipment operator, mechanic, surveyor – you know – the meat and potato jobs that are this nation’s heartbeat, if they WANT to work. The reason these jobs are undesirable to the donkey-ass Democrat? More likely than not, anyone working these jobs will haveta get their hands dirty at some point during the workday, which doesn’t go well with attendees at fundraiser cocktail parties or $ 10,000-a-plate dinners. - Commonsense Commentary
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