How long has Wray been Director of the FBI? Did he learn ANYTHING from the fact that he’s in that position – at all? Let’s review how he got where he is. His predecessor, Peanut Politician Comey, let Crooked Hillary, who broke no less than two federal laws, off – scot-free. Folks, perception is reality, and the current perception is that America’s prosecutorial arm (DOJ and its FBI) aims and shoots towards the right, habitually leaving any left-leaning targets (the Hillarys and Bidens) overlooked and unscathed. ESPECIALLY on the heels of a two-year Russiagate investigation that cost the American people $25-40 million and turned out to be a national-level nothing burger. Right now, the impression commonsense Americans have, is that people in FBI leadership and, at a MINIMUM, the Attorney General are nothing more than partisan hacks, with Democratic swamp-blood running through their veins. Actions have consequences. When the FBI conducted a heavy-handed after-hours raid on the personal home of the most popular president in recent memory, the public was left with the opinion that Biden and his stooges would go to any length to discredit #45 and prevent him from running again. Period. Full stop. The degree of naivete in someone who can’t see that is astounding.

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