Deadline passes for Biden admin to appeal ruling against the transgender mandate, religious groups hail victory. Hey Biden – you f⭐⚡⭐in’ moron! Are you tired of losing yet? How many does this make? By now, it’s GOT to be at least half a dozen, if not more. You’ll have to forgive us commonsensers – we never thought this would make it through the court system, even though your buddy Obama dreamt it up. For those that need a recap, the Human Services (HHS) transgender mandate required doctors and hospitals to perform gender reassignment surgeries on any patient – including children – even if it was against a doctor’s conscience or medical judgment. It fits right in with the woke progressives’ agenda. There’s a similar case about to hit the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals. Any bets on what’s gonna happen? God willing, and the creek don’t rise, by the time Biden celebrates two years in office, he’ll be working on a dozen losses in the federal court system. - Commonsense Commentary
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