Higher interest rates could cost US companies $380B in ‘slowly unfolding crisis.’ The US economy is starting to experience the ‘painful effects’ of higher interest rates. “STARTING” to experience? Where’s the author of the linked article been livin’ for the last 3½ years? Under a rock? Hey Biden! Are you payin’ attention? This is one more notch on the butt of your gun. One more albatross you’ve hung around the neck of America during the most disastrous presidency since the days of Carter. In the last 3½ years, you’ve printed and spent TRILLIONS of dollars you didn’t have, which caused the inflation that peaked at over 9%. You and the Democrats that elected you caused all this mess. Of course, you and all your arrogant aristocratic supporters wouldn’t know ’cause you have people that buy your gas and groceries. You haven’t been into a store in so many years, you’d need a roadmap to find one.

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