Biden mocked for claiming he doesn’t have the money to protect the border: ‘Enforce the law!’ Can you BELIEVE this asshole! Every commonsenser in this country’s been telling him to plug the holes for the last three years, but the deaf sonofabitch hasn’t heard a thing. Now, thanks to him and the lackeys he’s hired, we’re overrun with outta-control wetbacks, that may or may not show up for their court date 7 years from now just to get deported because their asylum claim was baseless. Meanwhile, the illegal aliens’ve joined the ranks of American-born crooks and bums, to knock off liquor stores, shoplift, assault, and kill. Be sure to thank a Democrat for givin’ us the worst 3 years since Carter couldn’t figure out how to get 52 American hostages back from Iran. Dumbass Democrats. Has a ring to it – don’t you think? - Commonsense Commentary
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