NYC forces all city employees to undergo radical critical race theory training: ‘Really unfair.’ What’s next for the NYC mayor – training in how to blow up a bank, inspired by the Black Panthers? What he SHOULD be doing with his time is figuring out how to deal with the flood of illegal aliens Texas and Arizona sent him ’cause he made such a big deal of saying how his sanctuary city was so welcoming. Before he force-feeds city employees CRT training, he needs to figure out how to prevent all the wetbacks from screwing in the stairwells of the 4-star hotels he’s puttin’ ’em up in and getting hammered all day. As one who was force-fed “race relations training” by the Army in the early ’70s, I can tell you from experience that no matter how conscientious you were about the training you received, it all went away when you were jumped the following Saturday night, by a Black guy swinging a straight razor, just because you were seen walking out of a club that played country and western music. - Commonsense Commentary
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