Do you think the Veterans Administration should be involved in health care coverage for illegal immigrants? 98% of over 14,000 respondents said no. I can’t let this one go – I’ve gotta drag out my soapbox again before this story fades away. I might’ve pointed this out before, but not ONE of the 10 million wetbacks Biden’s let in has put on a uniform, been shot (or shot at), lost a limb, or forced to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of their lives due to injuries suffered in the service of this nation. Maybe Biden, the asshole, should read what another president – Abraham Lincoln – said as he laid the groundwork for the VA in the closing days of the Civil War: “… to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle …” One more thing – vet·er·an: a former member of the armed forces; a person who has served in the military. I don’t know about you, but I don’t see illegal aliens anywhere in that definition. - Commonsense Commentary
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