Medicaid overspending costs taxpayers $16B a month, watchdog reports. A recurring theme found on these pages is the multiple exposés on how much of our tax money the Democrats throw away on health care and other benefits for the illegal aliens that broke federal law to get here. Couple that with the Idiot in Chief extending the Chinese virus crisis until next spring, and voilà, it’s costing us taxpayers $16 billion EVERY MONTH! Talk about writing checks you can’t cash. This spending is EXACTLY why the national debt is over $31 TRILLION and continues to climb. People – here’s the deal. The debt you’re passing on to your kids and grandkids will never go away until you start electing politicians that’re fiscally savvy and competent. It will never change until you send officials to your state capital and Washington, D.C., to break the cycle between the lobbyists and your wallet.


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