Inflation rises 2.4% in September, above expectations. You will no doubt see Democrat talking points that advertise 2.4% is better than it could’ve been, to which anyone with even AVERAGE observational powers should be sayin’ bullshit. To understand the average American’s pain in the pocketbook, you must pull back and see how we got here. Since he’s been in the White House, Biden will’ve dumped  $7.9 TRILLION (that wasn’t budgeted, and he didn’t have) into the economy, so why is it so hard to understand how cumulative inflation has risen 20% and the U.S. dollar has lost 13% of its value since 2021? That’s like eatin’ nothin’ but Fruit Loops and candy for a month and wonderin’ why you gained 20 pounds. Believe me. By sayin’ that inflation’s gettin’ better, Democrats and their leftstream media are holdin’ up one of those fun-house skinny mirrors for you to see yourself in after they put you on a steady diet of carbs and sugar.

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