Re: Hey Biden – you f⚡⭐⚡⭐⚡‘ moron! How many more times will you have to lose in federal court before you figure out that your woke progressive agenda is on the wrong side of the law? You tried to hog-tie ICE to the point that they needed YOUR permission to arrest and get rid of wetbacks – that just being an illegal alien who broke federal law to get here wasn’t enough reason to get arrested and deported. They had to blow up a bridge or kill an American to get the boot. Don’t look now, but the pucker factor is fixin’ to go up. Unless I’m way off base, in less than five months, all you’ll have in your favor is a veto pen, and if enough conservatives ride the red wave into Congress, even that won’t be enough. Using current numbers, it’ll require 290 members of the House and 67 members of the Senate to override one of your vetoes. Considering that those numbers were almost there to pass legislation you dislike enough to turndown, makes an override even more likely. As for Cringeworthy Kamala, she can be the President of the Senate all she wants, but if your Democrats are outnumbered by even one vote (much less 33), there won’t be a tie for her to break. - Commonsense Commentary
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