When you see ‘made in China,’ put it down: Rep. Mike Waltz. While this writer is totally on board with the sentiment, “when you see ‘made in China,’ put it down,” it’s easier said than done. Until Biden and his Democrats start supporting the return of US manufacturing capability to our shores, this’ll continue to be a problem. What do I mean? In the early 2000s, we gave China billions of your tax dollars each year in the form of aid, and they’ve used it to steal proprietary rights and set up factories staffed by cheap (if not outright slave) labor. We need to start clawing back the thousands of jobs and factories that Clinton and other Democrats handed to China on a silver platter. It’s hard and unrealistic to contend Americans can go cold turkey when it comes to “Made in China” when there are no product alternatives. If that problem could be solved, I’d be the first to pay a little more for something made in Boston instead of Beijing. The aforementioned fails to touch on this trade arrangement’s more important strategic national security implications. If the balloon were to go up tomorrow, we’d be in a world of hurt. Currently, 72% of the pharmaceuticals used in America are manufactured overseas, with 13% of those manufactured in China. This country needs to wake up.

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