Biden-Harris spurned offers from Latin American leaders to help close the border. Biden-Harris administration has tried to remake Latin America in its extreme ideological image. Biden made the Border Czar go down to Central America and fix the problem of illegal aliens at the source. And what happened? “Far from saving Guatemala, the Biden-Harris administration’s handling of this small but regionally important pro-American neighbor has been appalling. The vice president has been particularly bad, treating former President Alejandro Giammattei like a miscreant child she wanted to reprimand. Even when Giammattei offered to close Guatemala’s southern border, thereby stemming the flow to our open border, this administration gave him the back of the hand.” I keep tellin’ you, all any Democrat wants is to flood this country with wetbacks, and put ’em on a steady diet of your tax dollars, so they can forge papers and lie their way into votin’ Democrat to keep the flow of money comin’.

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