A group of Columbia University agitators have rebranded Veterans Day as “Martyrs Day” in opposition to what they call the ‘Israel-US war machine.” Here’s an idea, and the Idiot in Chief shoulda had the balls to do it a long time ago: Tell any of these Ivy League daycare centers that receive federal funds to either control their spoiled brats and their activities, or risk losin’ their federal tax dollars. We, the people, are the ones helpin’ to pay for the colleges that’re lettin’ snot-noised crybabies whine about how bad this country is. Arlington, and a lot of other cemeteries, are full of servicemembers who paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we enjoy. The raghead lovin’ assholes need to spend time in those far-flung sandboxes like a lot of us have to appreciate what they have here. The whole thing makes me mad enough to spit.

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