Blackburn Urges For Removal Of National Security Advisor. It’s about damned time! This is an “emperor has no clothes” moment. Most of the assholes Biden’s hired for his team are recycled hacks that worked in other Democratic administrations (think Braindead Barack) or gave his election campaign money or both. This Sullivan idiot is no different and typical of a Biden employee. He goes on national TV and says the Israeli/Palestinian situation hasn’t been any better in the last 20 years. Next thing you know, the ragheads fire thousands of rockets, killing 1,300 Israelis and 29 Americans. For Christ’s sake! This guy is supposed to be on top of his game. He was hired to give the President of the United States up-to-date classified intelligence briefings on the international situation. So, where’s he gettin’ his information – a Cracker Jack box? - Commonsense Commentary
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