Donald Trump is safe following an incident involving gunshots at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. Biden’s FBI’s sayin’ there “appeared to be” a second attempt on #45’s life. APPEARED?!? How do they figure that? When a crazed Democrat sympathizer (or just a plain nutjob) sticks his assault rifle through a cyclone fence 400 yards from the 5th hole and starts firin’, I’d say the “appeared” train’s left the station and, at that point, turned into the “did” train. And while we’re at it, where was the Secret Service during all this? For Christ’s sake! Their performance got absolutely SHREDDED after the last assassination attempt, including the agency’s director’s fall from grace. The Biden camp and his appointees are in charge of this clusterf⚡⭐⚡. They all need to be tarred, feathered, and run outta town on a rail.

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