Biden bails out 74k student loan borrowers with $5B in canceled debt. Hey Biden! You f⚡⭐⚡in’ asshole! I worked hard all my adult life. I wore a uniform for 22 years in defense of this nation. I PAID for my college education. Your people probably haven’t done the deep dive to look at the data, but I’d venture to say there are tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands (or more) taxpayers like me who took responsibility for their obligations and did the work. Givin’ the latest $5 billion of our tax dollars away to an entire segment of the population to procure their allegiance is a trick you musta learned from your communist buddies in China. Let’s pull back and look at a few of your presidency’s highlights: You were responsible for the clusterf⭐⚡⭐of a retreat from Afghanistan, cheapening the loss of over 2000 Americans who gave their lives there; you’re responsible for the worst inflation in 40 years; you haven’t done a thing to reduce the national debt, in fact, you’ve done your part to increase it to $34 trillion; you’ve opened the border to 10 million illegal aliens who’ve invaded this country, and you’ve given away billions of hard-working American’s tax dollars to a bunch of whiny snowflakes who’re too afraid to leave their school’s safe space to go back to mommy’s basement where they live. If anybody’s ever dumb enough to erect a statue of you, let’s hope future generations don’t tear it down. How else will they be able to see what a dumbass looks like? - Commonsense Commentary
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