Biden’s climate czars want to fly private, live like kings, while you shiver in the cold. Welcome to the stone age. That’s where President Shithead and his Democrats are trying to take us. The only ones allowed to lead 21st-century lives are the ones who routinely jet off to exotic destinations several times a year while admonishing you and me for filling the tanks of our antique vehicle with the devil’s elixir – fossil fuel. Folks, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – current and future efforts to take our society backward in time, in the name of wind and solar power (their revered deity of electricity), will not end until we unite and elect people with common sense to run our local, state, and federal governments. As long as the likes of Nitwit Newsom and Boing-Boing Biden keep getting elected, this nation will continue to slide back to the dark ages, complete with rolling blackouts. - Commonsense Commentary
Common sense puts the money in your wallet. Use your vote to keep it there.