Whole Foods decision to pull lobster divides enviros, pols. How many remember the movie “Soylent Green,” starring Charlton Heston? For those that don’t, here’s a brief recap – in a future society, overpopulation has run rampant, there’s not enough food to go around, and as a result, humanity’s destitute have been reduced to eating Soylent Green, which is made from human corpses. This is where these earthfirster tree-hugging bastards are taking us. They’re already trying to put diapers on livestock. Today it’s lobsters. Tomorrow it’ll be something else. The greenies’ entire movement was spawned in a snowflake safe space located at woke progressive indoctrination centers from coast to coast. Don’t believe me? Open your eyes and pay attention. In the Pacific Northwest, the anti-fossil fuel fanatics want to tear out all the dams that give us renewable electricity so that they can save more steelhead and salmon. Don’t kid yourself. That’s not so you can eat more fish – it’s so the fish can swim upstream easier. After all, the fish don’t need the electricity produced by the dams. Only we humans do.

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