Cruz responds after Biden allegedly authorized a $200 million fighter jet to shoot down a $12 science project. A $200 million fighter is only PART of the problem. Don’t forget the $800,000 in missiles that were fired (2 ea @ cost of $400,000). Biden and his boys got caught with their pants down by a civilian who took a picture of the one from China that they let fly across the entire United States unabated. Wait – it gets better. Not only did it traverse the continent, but it also stopped to spy on military installations along the way. As a direct result of the cat being out of the bag, like a knee-jerk reaction, NORAD’s sending up jets every time they see something bigger than a bird on their radar. Make sure kids at your son or daughter’s birthday party hang on to their balloons real tight. When you think about it, it’s not ALL bad. The odds are that any balloons your kids lose were made in China, so we’re back to that again. - Commonsense Commentary
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