Expert says US sent over $1.3B of taxpayer money to China and Russia in past five years. It’s bad enough that US manufacturers have all but given up and turned over all their manufacturing to China. Now we’re hearing that we taxpayers are giving them $1.4 million that was supposed to go to domestic producers to put commodities in our National School Lunch Program but actually went to Chinese agricultural exporters. “In Russia, the amounts are two times larger. Nearly a billion dollars over the course of the past year.” Have these CEOs and bureaucrats learned NOTHING from all the wars we’ve been in? When China invades Taiwan (it’s a matter of if, not when), and we come to the island nation’s aid, I can foresee a significant disruption of the supply lines between us and the communist country, if not outright war. I get it – they have to keep labor costs down, and US consumers won’t put up with the $50 McDonald’s hamburger pricing model being applied to everything they buy, but at some point, spending habits have to give way to common sense. Paying $35 instead of $100 seems like a good deal until you’ve got Chinese hypersonic missiles landing in your backyard, and you’re cowering in the basement like the Ukrainians are right now. Democrats’ve steered us into the “globalist” traffic lane while we’re asleep at the wheel, and unless we wake up real soon, we’re headed for a wreck that’ll put a NASCAR pileup to shame. - Commonsense Commentary
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