California is killing another industry that families need. Congratulations need to go to Nitwit Newsom and his merry band of Democratic bureaucrats for driving out yet ANOTHER source of tax revenue. I’m tellin’ you – Californians need to get smart, change their attitude, and elect another Ronald Reagan for governor, or spend their last few bucks to buy guns and ammo, survival gear, a horse and buggy for transportation, and a mule to plow with. Why? They’ve already outlawed fossil-fueled vehicles, and without a tax base, there’s no money for handouts for the bums and wetbacks, so they’ll turn to stealing just to get by. You thought shoplifting was a problem now – just wait until all the stores’ve been Newsomed. That’s a new verb I invented that means taxing everything, and everybody left in the state, trying to get blood out of a turnip. - Commonsense Commentary
Common sense puts the money in your wallet. Use your vote to keep it there.