‘Bidenomics’ falls flat with voters as Trump takes strong lead in new head-to-head poll. I’m only gonna say this once. If it hadn’t been for the timing of the Chinese virus, #45 would be #46, and 3 years into his 2nd term right now. The isolation created by the misguided Fauci mask mandates pushed any fence-sittin’ voters over to Biden’s side, lookin’ for a way out of the day-to-day misery caused by widespread lockdowns, having to wear a mask 24/7 and 1.2 million American deaths. It’s the only theory which supports the age-old premise that people vote with their wallets. Under #45, there was nothin’ wrong in the wallet department. When inflation hit 9%, thanks to Biden and his Democrats spendin’ money like a bunch of drunken sailors, all of the people that voted for ‘im had an “oh shit” moment. By then, it was too late – the train had already left the station.

TwiceRetired.org - Commonsense Commentary
Common sense puts the money in your wallet. Use your vote to keep it there.